An Address to the People

February 22, 1808

For those of you who haven't been keeping up with the times; Napoleon has just invaded Spain. With his efforts so involved over in Europe, now is our chance to take action against the Spaniards who have oppressed us for so long. This blog is being created so that we can share our thoughts and unite during this important time in all of our lives. With so much going on in Europe, the peninsulares are very distracted and are becoming very weak. They have been keeping us down for all of these years. They have kept all of their wealth and power from us and have monopolized all of the higher status. They have treated us like slaves and we are through. We hope in the near future that we can have independence from Spain and be granted more equal rights than what we have been given in the past.

Feel free to post your thoughts and keep everyone who gets involved informed.

-Breshauna, Mestizo, Venezuela

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